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【送料無料】セガトイズ〔SEGATOYS〕 ホームスター Classic家庭用 プラネタリウム パールホワイト・メタリックネイビー HS780943・HS780950【D】【DW】

オリジナル英文URL:Fireball Lights Pre-Dawn Sky over Arizona 



Video obtained from the NASA meteor camera situated at the MMT Observatory on the site of the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory, located on Mount Hopkins, Arizona, in the Santa Rita Mountains.
Credits: NASA/MEO

This footage from the Sedona Red Rock Cam (part of the EarthCam network) shows how brightly the ground was illuminated during the fireball, which entered the atmosphere over Arizona shortly before 4 a.m. MST on June 2, 2016.
Credits: Sedona Red Rock Cam/EarthCam


This animation shows the orbit of the June 2, 2016 Arizona fireball and the view from its perspective as it approaches Earth.
Credits: NASA/MEO



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