最初に「HUNCH」ですが、英単語の「hunch」ではなく、HUNCH: High Schools United with NASA to Create Hardwareの意味です。
Georgia HUNCH Students 3D Print Parts for Space Station | NASA
Georgia HUNCH Students 3D Print Parts for Space Station
The HUNCH – High school students United with NASA to Create Hardware – Program has expanded its partnership opportunities to the Dade County, Georgia, school system in Trenton. Students will increase their advanced manufacturing capabilities by producing super-strength carbon fiber elements for NASA, the International Space Station, and future deep space products.
HUNCH –NASAと高校生がNASAで使用する部材を制作するというプログラムを、新たにジョージア州デイドのトレントンの高校に適用しました。高校生たちは、NASA、国際宇宙ステーション、および将来の深宇宙探査向けの超強力炭素繊維要素を製造することにより、高度な製造能力を身に着けていきます。
HUNCH was designed to inspire students through project-based learning. Students have opportunities to participate in six HUNCH focus areas — design and prototyping, software, hardware, sewn flight articles, video and media, and culinary arts.
Schools can participate in HUNCH by meeting a set of minimal qualifications and having the capability to complete program requirements. To be a successful program, HUNCH organizers recommend that school faculties include teachers with prior experience in the focus area.
Dade County, Georgia, Middle School HUNCH students KK Castleberry, left, and Meleah Smith show 3D-printed items manufactured using the school’s printer. HUNCH’s goal is to empower and inspire students through a project-based learning program and by providing opportunities to students to play an active role in the space program.
ジョージア州デイドの中学校のHUNCHに参加している生徒であるKK Castleberry(左)と、Meleah Smithは、学校の3Dプリンターを使用して製造した部品をみせてくれました。 HUNCHの目標は、プロジェクトベースの学習プログラムを通じて、宇宙プログラムで積極的な役割を果たす機会を学生に提供することにより、学生に力を与え、刺激を与えることです。
Dade County High School will use a newly acquired, high-end 3D carbon fiber-infused printer to carry out assignments. Dade County Middle School will continue to use its premium 3D printer to produce flight-ready high-temperature ULTEM plastic parts for the space station. ULTEM is semitransparent high-strength plastic material often used in electronic components. Dade County is the only school system in the NASA HUNCH Program to have these two valuable printing capabilities.
デイドの高校は、新しく取得した高性能3D炭素繊維注入プリンターを使用して割り当てられた制作を実行しています。デイドの中学校は、引き続きプレミアム3Dプリンターを使用して、国際宇宙ステーション用の飛行可能な高温ULTEMプラスチック部品を製造します。 ULTEMは、電子部品によく使用される半透明の高強度プラスチック材料です。デイドは、NASA HUNCHプログラムで、これら2つの重要な3Dプリンタを備えた唯一の学校です。
“With new partnership horizons and advanced manufacturing technologies, Dade County High School students will have opportunities that exceed many high school-level curriculums and capabilities that are in our program,” said Bob Zeek, HUNCH co-founder and project resource manager at Marshall.
HUNCH started in 2003 with two schools in Alabama and one in Houston. The program has produced more than 1,500 training and flight items for the space station program – representing approximately 30,000 individual parts with 824 assembled components flown to the station.
Image credit: NASA
Last Updated: Jan. 12, 2021
Editor: Lee Mohon