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Researching the Environment and COVID-19 | NASA


Researching the Environment and COVID-19

Today is World Health Day and NASA’s Earth Science Division is using information from our Earth-observing satellites, surface sensors, and computer-based datasets to study the environmental, economic, and societal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and to determine whether environmental factors influence the spread of the virus.


While scientists around the world often have been confined to their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, Earth observing satellites continue to orbit and send back images that reveal connections between the pandemic and the environment. NASA began funding eight new projects last fall to look at COVID-19 and the environment.

COVID-19のパンデミックの間、世界中の科学者が自宅に閉じ込められることになりましたが、その間にも地球観測衛星はパンデミックと環境との関係を明らかにする画像を地球を周回しながら送り返し続けています。 NASAは、COVID-19と環境の相互関係を調べるために、昨年秋に8つの新しいプロジェクトへの資金提供を開始しました。

This image shows the ECOSTRESS land surface temperature variations measured on May 22, 2020, during the full lockdown period over an area centered on the Great Mall in Milpitas, California. Christopher Potter, a research scientist at Ames Research Center, is using such images to see how California’s shelter-in-place mandate in the San Francisco Bay Area has reduced the number of cars on the road and changed how parking lots, highways, and large industrial buildings’ surfaces absorb sunlight and reflect infrared heat.


Image Credit: Christopher Potter, NASA Ames Research Center

Last Updated: Apr 7, 2021
Editor: Yvette Smith





This image shows the ECOSTRESS land surface temperature variations measured on May 22, 2020, during the full lockdown period over an area centered on the Great Mall in Milpitas. The blue dots represent ground truth measurements on May 22 in large vacant parking lots. The darkish reddish shades show the highest temperatures on dark asphalt parking lots and roadways, and the yellow-greenish shades indicate lower temperatures in parklands and semi-vegetated areas. Bright white rooftops are in the middle shades.

New Projects Explore Connections Between COVID-19 and the Environment | NASA


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